Who we are

We are two sisters that share a passion for psychology, chidlren, education and play. 

During a joint holiday we realised that the challenges and role of a modern day manager were not so different to those of a parent. Both needed to lead, enable and motivate others to grow and reach their full potential. The only big difference is that society invests millions each year into training and supporting managers whereas parents are often left to their own devices and left to figure things out via trial and error. This is when we decided it was time to help parents out. 

With this course we want to give parents the information they need in order to become the best parent for their child, in fact the parent they always wanted to be. 
By giving parents access to the knowledge that is out there about childhood development, best practice and scientific research, mixed with real life tips and tricks, Ala and Sissi have transformed how parents approach the parenting journey. 
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Mother of 5

Ala is a mother of five young children that keep her busy and have taught her a lot about what real parenting is like and what everyday struggles parents face. It has not always been easy and the learning curve was steep, but Ala always faced the situation with fun in mind.

Parent Educator

Trained as a parent educator Ala has taught workshops about "positive discipline", "siblings without rivalry" and "how to talk to kids so kids will listen and listen so kids will talk". She enjoyed seeing the positive impact that these courses were having on other parents and their families.

Work with children

Before having her own children Ala ran English summer camps, worked in a primary school and was a children's ski instructor. She completed a course from Stanford University on Child Development, which gave her a more detailed understanding of the theories behind the things she sees in practice every day.


Ala sees life as a continuous opportunity to learn new things and does not believe that learning stops when you leave school. She enjoys learning new skills and is passionate about passing on the knowledge she has gained over the years.


Mother to be

Sissi is expecting her first child in a few short weeks and is looking forward to applying all her Kicado theory to her new reality.

Leadership coach

After 9+ years of work experience as a management consultant, manager and leadership coach Sissi has gained a deep understanding of leadership that brings a unique perspective to parenting. 

Working with children

From a very young age Sissi has had a passion for working with children from managing summer camps, ski instructing to working in an orphanage and refugee camps. 


Sissi brings a playful and creative touch to everything she does, which we believe is a crucial part of parenting. 
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