Learn to be the best parent for your child

Participate a professional course designed to teach you how to be aware of your child's social and emotional developemnt.     

Benefits of our training programmes

 Week by week you will increase your understanding of how to create an emotionally stable atmosphere for your child to grow and flourish in.

Practical approach

Our trainings are designed to provide the skills with a practical approach. You will be able to see results from your learning and will have a calmer home.

Built to last

The courses is designed to introduce you to a new thought process that will increase your understanding of emotions, how they work and how we can help our children manage theirs.

The most important career

Being a parent is the most important job you will ever have. It is time we honoured this career with the training it deserves to ensure you become the best parent for your child.


intergrate learning slowly

step by step approach

we guide you along

success guaranteed

money back guarantee


Hear what others have to say about us Kicado

"It was so nice to finally be able to understand where all the meltdowns come from. I felt like someone had opened a door for me and now I get it. And my relationship with my child has been stronger ever since."
"Thank you so much Kicado! We have managed to reduce the screaming matches in our house and our children are calmer and more capable than ever. "
"I have to admit I was sceptical. But within two sessions my wife and I were hooked and we looked forward to our weekly sessions. It has changed the way we communicate in our marriage as well. "
Aim high, see big, judge widely

Emotional Quotient

Emotional Intelligence is a better predictor of future success than your child's IQ. But how much time do we spend thinking about our children's emotional development compared with the hours we spend trying to teach them academic prowess.

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